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Please note: the website is available in English and German, some streams and assets may provide additional subtitles.
Technical FAQs
What is required to watch a livestream?
All you need is a device with a sufficiently fast Internet connection, audio output and a current browser. Plugins and additional software are not required.
No livestream is displayed!
The livestream is based on HTML5 and requires one of the three latest major versions of common browsers. Earlier versions and very outdated browsers may not be able to display HTML5 content correctly.
Please install or use a current version of a common browser such as Chrome, Safari, Edge or Firefox.
If you are using an adblocker or have JavaScript disabled, switch off the adblocker for this page and enable JavaScript.
The live stream jerks or stops!
Make sure that no other processes with intensive Internet use (e.g. file download) are active. Also check whether your Internet connection is fast enough - we recommend a transfer speed of approx. 6,000 Kbit/second.
If you are using a mobile device, make sure that the signal quality is sufficient - the use of WLAN should be preferred over mobile Internet use.
A heavy load on your device can also have a negative effect on the quality - therefore close tabs and programs that are currently not needed.